Saturday, June 2, 2007

What I lernt from this project

In the project I learned many useful in formations about the environment and it problems. When I started doing this project I noticed that I have to know some in formations about air pollution and water pollution, because there is a relationship between them and global warming. When I wrote about the causes and effects of global warming I realized that one cause may result in many dangerous effects on the environment and on the wild life and I really was afraid from this summer. At the end I want to say that the main cause of global warming is the human and he will be the first effected.

1 comment:

global warming said...

waaaw i liked ur profile and i think u learnt some good things.
thnx and i hope u will correct the title because u have very small little mistake. Dont worry i know it's a typing mistake.BTW thanx for ur comment on my blog it shows alot of respect ^_*.
see u