Saturday, June 2, 2007

What we can do in the U.A.E?

In my opinion, I think that global warming is ignored in the U.A.E, maybe because we think that it cannot be warmer than it is now or maybe because the temperature of the climate didn’t change therefore there is no serious actions are taken on global warming. One of the things that we can do in the U.A.E is using public transportation means such as buses and taxi cars more and more so that we can reduce the high number of private cars which makes air pollution by CO2 emissions. Another action is using the solar energy to produce electricity, and I think it will be useful because the sun rises every day in the U.A.E in the whole year.


Saeed said...

Nice post Mohamed, i found the artilce very useful. It shows some examples that could reduce the amount of the gas emission in the UAE.

*¤ஐ» Battie°»ஐ¤*° said...

Well we have to start from now in order to achieve something.

There are other things you can do as well. I suggest people start switching off the main circuit of TV/Video games or any other device that is not used but it's on.

So switch it off from the main-c and it will save you electricity as well as it will help to save the earth from GW.